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Map of Dreams – Map of Goals


Here is my Map in English.

Thanks to Sanda who does not speak Polish (although she did many years ago) and in fact inspired me to write from time to time in English. Of course this is as always a coincidence. During last days I talked to two different people about the fact that would be nice to get more familiar with English wording  connected to personal-development. I speak English but I definitely miss words describing the subject and my Map.During my work I did few Maps with people who live for many years in Great Britain or elsewhere and due to the fact they already think English they have put sentences, affirmations, wishes, dreams and goals in that language. This was ok for me and I can work on Maps like that. But last month I had a discussion with somebody and tried to describe in details how the Map works and….it was not easy. Lack of vocabulary.So…First step is Map of Dreams – Map of Goals in English.

I spend some time doing the translation of each word as it is very important to me. Each field, each word, each meaning, emotions behind. All matters. Thank you Hania for your cross-checking of the translation.

As nothing happens without reason I can open my door and wait for first English speaking person who would need my help while doing his or her Map in English : )

Sanda again chapeau bas : )

PS: And this is of course the first  step to get my book translated into English…………..


13 lutego 2015